Burkina Faso Gets $48M Boost for Donsin Solar Plant

Burkina Faso Gets $48M Boost for Donsin Solar Plant

Burkina Faso has received a US$48 million boost from the Export-Import Bank of China to aid in the development of the Donsin solar power plant project and its accompanying electricity storage system.

The project involves the construction of a 25 MW solar power plant at the Donsin airport site, located in the council of Loumbila in central Burkina Faso. Additionally, a 5 MW/20 MWh battery electricity storage system will be installed.

This initiative underscores Burkina Faso’s commitment to enhancing its energy security and expanding its domestic generating capacity.

By increasing its generating capacity through renewable energy sources like solar power, Burkina Faso aims to reduce its reliance on imported electricity.

Currently, a significant portion of Burkina Faso’s electricity, around 220 MW, is imported. This project aligns with the country’s objective to bolster its energy self-sufficiency and reduce dependency on external sources.

Burkina Faso stands out as a top solar energy producer in West Africa, boasting an installed capacity of 92 MWp, surpassing neighbouring countries like Mauritania, Ivory Coast, and Mali.

The completion of the Donsin solar power plant is set to strengthen Burkina Faso’s standing in the renewable energy sector.


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