World: Major Producers Continue To Invest In Oil And Gas.

World: Major Producers Continue To Invest In Oil And Gas.

The main oil and gas producing countries continue to increase their investments in the production of fossil fuels even when they should have already ended it, in order to limit global warming to +1.5°C,” indicates a pro-climate structure.

According to this analysis, fossil fuels are at the heart of climate disturbances. The analysis also illustrates that oil, gas, and coal alone are responsible for approximately 90% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Some of the major oil and gas producing countries in the world include the United States, Canada, Norway, Australia, and the United Arab Emirates. However, all these countries have granted licenses for the exploitation of new deposits or plan to do so. Additionally, many states continue to heavily subsidize fossil fuels.

To curb this phenomenon, which continues to take on worrying proportions, the “Action and Climate” (CAT) research group calls on all stakeholders who will be attending the next COP28, which will be held at the end of the year in Dubai, to focus on a total exit from fossil fuels and not on “distractions” like the capture and sequestration system.


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