TAAG reduces National and one regional frequencies

TAAG reduces National and one regional frequencies

The company Linhas Aéreas de Angola (TAAG) will not suspend any of its 29 national and international destinations in light of the difficulties, revealed Friday, in maintaining the aircraft fleet, due to the scarcity of foreign exchange, according to information obtained by the newspaper of Angola with the carrier.

The company’s option is to reduce national frequencies, in a decision that only affects the Windhoek route, a regional destination to which the carrier flies seven times a week, the company said when asked yesterday about an announced reduction in domestic and international routes to adapt to aircraft availability.

In the statement in which the decision is announced, TAAG recognizes that the carrier’s customers and passengers have suffered “constraints” in recent days caused by the low operational availability of the fleet, as the company has been affected by the “current national macroeconomic context”.

TAAG adds that, in the last five months, it has suffered “high constraints” in being able to replace the maintenance material consumed by the fleet, a situation that is due to “the continued limitations on payments abroad (exchange rates)”.

The problem has affected the company’s ability to make a greater number of aircraft available to meet the flight schedule, explains TAAG, formally apologizing to passengers.

The air carrier therefore decided to update the general flight schedule and make “adjustments” to the number of frequencies, both on domestic and international routes, adapting to aircraft availability.

“This temporary reduction in frequencies will allow the stabilization of services and greater reliability in fulfilling connections”, continues the Angolan company, highlighting that it will also “analyze alternatives with operators of the national financial system


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