South Africa’s Grootspruit Solar Farm Construction Begins

South Africa’s Grootspruit Solar Farm Construction Begins

Construction of the Grootspruit solar farm has officially begun in South Africa. This project, a collaboration between Engie and South African independent power producer Pele Green Energy, is located in the Free State province.

Stuart Kent, Managing Director of Aurex Constructors, highlighted during the launch that the project aims to tackle South Africa’s energy challenges and support the country’s transition to a cleaner energy future.

The solar farm, situated in the Lejweleputswa district, will feature a 75 MW photovoltaic power plant. The construction has been awarded to local firms Aurex Constructors and Ablon Construction.

Set to commence operations in 2025, the Grootspruit solar farm will supply electricity to South Africa’s national grid under a power purchase agreement with Eskom, the state-owned utility.

In addition to Grootspruit, Engie is developing another 75 MWp solar power plant, the Graspan, in the Northern Cape Province.

Both facilities, scheduled to be operational by 2025, will collectively reduce South Africa’s greenhouse gas emissions by 100,000 metric tons annually and provide power to approximately 80,000 households.


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