Sonangol wants to produce green hydrogen by 2024

Sonangol wants to produce green hydrogen by 2024

State oil company Sonangol has signed a memorandum of understanding with German companies Gauff and Conjucta for the production of green hydrogen, starting in 2024.

According to a press release from Sonangol, the agreement follows technical and economic feasibility studies, previously carried out, for the financing, construction and operation of a plant for the production of green hydrogen and derived products, in Angola.

The objective is to commercialize the product on the local and international market, in countries such as Germany, with the aim of creating jobs.

Cited in the statement, the Minister of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas, Diamantino Azevedo, stressed at the signing ceremony that, “despite the production of alternative energy, Angola will continue to explore hydrocarbons, with due attention to sustainability and respect for the environment”. environment”.

Sonangol’s president, Gaspar Martins, said that the company is positioned as a hydrocarbon company, “with a focus on diversifying its business portfolio, which includes the production of energy from renewable sources, production and sale of green hydrogen and its derivatives, biofuels, among others, through its Research and Development Center”.

The next steps are the development of the detailed technical project and the contracting of the contractor, among other aspects, with the start of production of green hydrogen in 2024.


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