Sonangol Plans Maintenance Shutdown of Luanda Refinery to Ensure Efficiency

Sonangol Plans Maintenance Shutdown of Luanda Refinery to Ensure Efficiency

Sonangol announced plans for a scheduled shutdown of its Luanda Refinery in the coming months, a routine procedure aimed at enhancing operational efficiency.

Joaquim Kiteculo, President of the Executive Committee of the Refining and Petrochemical Business Unit (UNRP), clarified that this periodic maintenance is crucial for the refinery, which processes 60 thousand barrels of oil per day, accounting for 20 percent of Angola’s gasoline consumption.

The maintenance involves halting all refinery units to conduct internal rehabilitation and upgrades. Kiteculo emphasized the necessity of this process to ensure that the refinery operates at optimal efficiency levels upon resumption.

He highlighted that such shutdowns are conducted every five years to maintain operational standards specific to refineries.

The Platforming Unit at the Luanda Refinery has already completed its recovery phase after recent technical interventions, according to Sonangol’s publication “Pacaça”.

The company also disclosed that it has signed contracts with service providers as part of its ongoing operational developments, with clear definitions of rights and obligations outlined in these agreements.

This strategic maintenance initiative underscores Sonangol’s commitment to sustaining operational excellence and uninterrupted supply in Angola’s energy sector.


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