ReconAfrica Prepares for Naingopo Well Drilling in Kavango Basin

ReconAfrica Prepares for Naingopo Well Drilling in Kavango Basin

ReconAfrica is gearing up for the spudding of the Naingopo well in the Kavango onshore basin on July 7, 2024.

All necessary camp setup, rig deployment, and equipment moves have been completed, with third-party service contractors mobilizing to the site ahead of schedule.

At Prospect P, ongoing debushing and road access activities are progressing smoothly, with significant civil works, including well pad construction, set to commence next month.

CEO Brian Reinsborough highlighted the operational intensity on site, emphasizing that well-site construction and mobilization activities are on track as planned.

Furthermore, ReconAfrica is actively advancing its farm-out joint venture process, which it anticipates concluding shortly.

The company remains committed to adhering to international standards for minimal habitat disturbance and implementing best environmental and social practices across all project areas in the Kavango Sedimentary Basin.


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