Production records in Sonangol blocks

Production records in Sonangol blocks

Blocks 3/05 and 3/05A, operated by Sonangol, reached, last Sunday, record production of 25 thousand barrels of oil per day (bpd), 4.0 percent more than at the beginning of the year, when it was at 16 thousand bpd, announced the company’s Exploration and Production Business Unit (UNEP).

Data released by UNEP on the Ngol program, broadcast by Sonangol on Rádio Nacional de Angola, indicate that these production levels had not been observed for more than six years in those concessions.

According to the source, partners from both blocks expressed satisfaction with the operator’s performance, considering this to be “the best way to end 2023”.

UNEP attributes the result “to a campaign of interventions to maintain the integrity of the facilities and the restart of production operations in Block 3/05.”

 The Block 3/05 contractor group is made up of Sonangol, with a 50 percent stake, Maurel and Prom Angola (20), ENI (12), Somoil (10), a   Serbian NIS NAFTGAS (4.0) and Afentra (4.0).

In October, the Government’s decision was announced to extend the Block’s exploration license until 2040, unify eight development areas of the Block and improve fiscal terms, with a view to guaranteeing investments and increasing production, based on an addendum to the Contract of Sharing and Production (CPP).


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