Porto do Lobito EP Pursues Foreign Partnerships for Development

Porto do Lobito EP Pursues Foreign Partnerships for Development

The president of the Board of Directors of Porto do Lobito EP, Celso Rosas, announced plans to forge new partnerships with international entities to secure additional financing and address developmental challenges facing the port.

Rosas outlined these goals during a meeting in Lobito, Benguela province, with the team from the Committee for Foreign Affairs of the United States House of Representatives (HFAC).

He expressed hope that the visit by the American deputies would validate the potential and opportunities offered by Porto do Lobito, facilitating engagement with potential financiers and establishing strategic milestones for support.

“We want to demonstrate that Porto do Lobito and the Lobito Corridor are not just concepts but a reality, recognized internationally,” Rosas emphasized.

Regarding concerns raised by partners, Rosas assured transparency and adherence to international standards, citing membership in the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and commitment to the United Nations Global Compact, which prohibits corruption.

Under Rosas’s leadership, Porto do Lobito has undergone significant transformations, including increased visitor numbers and strategic investments in human, technological, and infrastructural capabilities.

The American delegation, led by Joseph “Joe” Fotz from HFAC, included Christina Tsafoulias, Christopher Kulukundis, and Elizabeth Mount.


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