Pensana Appoints Luigi Bruni as Construction Manager for Longonjo Rare Earths Project

Pensana Appoints Luigi Bruni as Construction Manager for Longonjo Rare Earths Project

Rare earths mining company Pensana has announced the appointment of Luigi Bruni as the construction manager for the site team at the Longonjo rare earths project in Angola.

Bruni brings extensive experience to the project, having served as construction manager for 15 international mining and oil and gas projects over the past 20 years.

Recently, containerized accommodation facilities for 350 personnel arrived in Angola from South Africa via sea, rail, and road.

The successful confirmation of multiple logistics routes for transporting these containers to the site is a critical step ahead of the transport of the modular processing plant.

“Construction management and logistics are both key elements to the successful delivery of the Longonjo project. Bruni’s appointment and the successful testing of the transport logistics are important steps to pave the way for the main construction,” Pensana CEO Tim George said on June 13.

The accommodation facilities were supplied by Bushtec, a South African company specializing in global turnkey deployable mining camps.

These facilities include accommodation, dining, and a communications hub, all designed to international standards to provide a comfortable and safe working environment for employees and contractors.

Progress continues at the site with the establishment of the contractor’s 4.3-hectare laydown area located to the south of the main construction area.

The team has also made further enhancements to the site’s road network and service utilities. The primary access road now features concrete stormwater drains, which are essential for ensuring continued operation during the rainy season.


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