Oil Industry Produced Above Expectations in August

Oil Industry Produced Above Expectations in August

The oil industry exceeded expectations in August. Angolan oil production in August stood at 34.995 million barrels, with an average of 1.128 million barrels per day (bpd), which is 2.6 percent more than the 1.099 million bpd forecasted for that period, according to data available on the website of the National Agency of Petroleum, Gas, and Biofuels (ANPG).

The numbers from the national hydrocarbon concessionaire also indicate that August production was 1.8 percent lower than July, which was 35.631 million barrels, according to data from that month’s report. In July, Angola achieved such production levels for the first time in four months.

The document also reports a production of 83.651 million cubic feet of associated gas in August, with an average of 2.698 million cubic feet per day, of which 1.294 million were injected, 721 were made available to Angola LNG, 336 were used for power generation in oil facilities, and the remaining gas was used in oil operations and transportation.

The combined production of oil and LPG was 35.973 million Barrels of Oil Equivalent (BOE), averaging 1.160 million BOE per day in a month where the operational efficiency of facilities was 89.69 percent, slightly lower than the initially projected 91.77 percent. Angola’s total withdrawals were 34,880,041 barrels, corresponding to an average of 1.125 million bpd, slightly below the 1.146 million predicted. ANPG claimed around 10.127 million barrels, which is 29 percent of the total, Sonangol Pesquisa e Produção accounted for 5.394 million (15 percent), and Sonangol EP for 2.438 million (7.00 percent).

Active Operations

The report mentions that 14 drilling units were active in Angolan oil concessions, one more than in July, indicating an expansion of the national oil industry’s operations.

Work was carried out in 27 wells, including seven intervention operations, 17 drilling and completion operations, two research operations, and one evaluation operation, covering a total drilling depth of 20,848 meters. Additionally, three interventions were completed in producing wells.


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