New Aluminum Processing Plant to Bring 3,000 Jobs to Bengo Province

New Aluminum Processing Plant to Bring 3,000 Jobs to Bengo Province

An aluminum processing industry with an annual capacity of 100 thousand tons will be constructed in the Barra do Dande Free Trade Zone, Bengo province, at a cost of US$200 million.

The initiative, led by the Chinese company Wutong Group, will occupy a 400-hectare site, according to sources from the Angola-China Chamber of Commerce reported by JA Online.

The project, slated to create approximately three thousand jobs by 2027, saw its ceremonial cornerstone laid in the presence of Isaac dos Anjos, Secretary of the President of the Republic for the Productive Sector. The company plans to execute its action plan through 2032, with total investments anticipated to reach $500 million.

Luís Cupenala, President of the Angola-China Chamber of Commerce, commended the investor’s initiative, noting such endeavors are crucial for generating national wealth in Angola.


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