Mozambique’s Sixth Hydrocarbon Licensing Contracts Near Final Approval

Mozambique’s Sixth Hydrocarbon Licensing Contracts Near Final Approval

Nearly all contracts from Mozambique’s Sixth International Hydrocarbon Licensing Round have been approved by the government and are now pending final clearance from the Administrative Tribunal.

Nazário Bangalane, Chairman of the National Petroleum Institute (INP), the regulatory authority for Mozambique’s hydrocarbon sector, expressed confidence that the Administrative Tribunal’s approval would be granted soon. Mozambican law requires that all contracts with public entities undergo a legality review by the tribunal.

Bangalane, speaking during a visit to the upcoming cooking gas facility in Temane, Inhambane, mentioned that final details of one remaining contract from the Sixth Licensing Round are being reviewed.

Once completed, this contract will be submitted to the Council of Ministers for approval and then forwarded to the Administrative Tribunal.

The Sixth Licensing Round, initiated in late 2021, follows significant gas discoveries in the Rovuma basin, home to some of the world’s largest reserves.

The round was won by consortia led by Italy’s Eni and China’s China National Offshore Oil Corporation Hong Kong Holding Ltd (CNOOC).

Mozambique has approved three major projects to explore the natural gas reserves in the Rovuma basin, located off the coast of Cabo Delgado.

The two largest projects will transport gas from the seabed to onshore facilities, where it will be liquefied and exported by sea.


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