Mozambique’s CFM Logistics Launches Maritime Support for Oil and Gas Sector

Mozambique’s CFM Logistics Launches Maritime Support for Oil and Gas Sector

On Sunday, Portos e Caminhos de Ferro de Moçambique (CFM), one of Mozambique’s largest business conglomerates, began its maritime support operations for the oil and gas sector through its subsidiary, CFM Logistics.

Agostinho Langa Júnior, president of CFM’s board of directors, emphasized the significance of this venture during the launch ceremony. “It is a gigantic challenge and an extraordinary opportunity.

By fulfilling this aim, we will not only be implementing a Government mandate in the execution of oil and gas projects, but above all, we will be contributing to the development of Mozambique,” he stated, as reported by Lusa.

Mozambique boasts the third-largest natural gas reserves in Africa, estimated at 180 million cubic feet. The country currently has three approved development projects to exploit the substantial natural gas reserves in the Rovuma basin, which is among the largest in the world, off the coast of Cabo Delgado.


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