Minister Gladima Announces MSGBC Oil, Gas & Power 2023 to take place in Mauritania

Minister Gladima Announces MSGBC Oil, Gas & Power 2023 to take place in Mauritania

H.E. Sophie Gladima, Minister of Petroleum and Energies for the Republic of Senegal announced that MSGBC Oil, Gas & Power 2023 will take place in Mauritania next year and gave the final remarks for MSGBC 2022, thanking her fellow Ministers and the assembled delegates for their attendance, insight and inputs in developments over the course of the two-day event, West Africa’s foremost energy forum

On the final day of the MSGBC Oil, Gas & Power 2022 Conference & Exhibition (, H.E. Sophie Gladima, Minister of Petroleum and Energies of the Republic of Senegal announced that MSGBC 2023 will take place in Mauritania next year.  

The MSGBC nations share much in common and we will move forward with conviction and solidarity as we look forward to COP27, uniting all the African nations

“We will see you next year in Mauritania to continue this grand adventure, taking stock of the multi-billion-dollar projects that will have been launched in time, intervening and planning an ambitious future for local content, transitional power and socioeconomic growth,” she stated.

Speaking on the final day of the event and touching on COP27, the Minister noted “We felt the necessity to be together after COP26 and through this gathering, we have created, or at least started, creating a unified African narrative on the energy transition which we will put before us at COP27.”

The Minister further noted that “The MSGBC nations share much in common and we will move forward with conviction and solidarity as we look forward to COP27, uniting all the African nations to face up to the challenges of our age.”

She further stated that “We just need a bit more bravery, a bit more initiative, to take in hand our future and the futures of the next generations. Let’s support our explorers whether or not they’re successful in their searches. Let’s develop African finance mechanisms to drive the field forward.”


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