Luanda Truck Drivers Call for Government Support to Modernize Aging Fleet

Luanda Truck Drivers Call for Government Support to Modernize Aging Fleet

Osvaldo Mateus, president of the Association Núcleo dos Camionistas de Luanda (ANCL), has called on the government to provide institutional financing for acquiring new truck fleets, replacing those that are over 30 years old.

In an interview with Jornal de Angola, Mateus highlighted that despite some ANCL members owning five to ten trucks, the majority of vehicles are over three decades old and in dire need of replacement.

He emphasized the “notorious shortage of parts in both domestic and foreign markets,” exacerbating the situation.

Mateus also raised concerns about the poor condition of roads, which further deteriorate the aging trucks, stressing the necessity for a comprehensive strategy to revitalize the sector.

To address these issues, Mateus urged the government to simplify the allocation of financial support. He suggested that the Ministries of Finance and Transport should collaborate to create a transparent policy that includes direct consultation with the association and its members.

Regarding bank credit, Mateus noted that truck drivers face “a very long and bureaucratic process” that often fails to yield the expected financing. He emphasized the need for more accessible and efficient financial solutions.

In addition to fleet renewal, the Luanda Truck Drivers’ Association proposes making Goods Insurance mandatory to protect transported products from theft or accidents, ensuring greater security for their operations.


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