Libya’s National Oil Corporation Reports Rising Production and Ambitious Expansion Plans

Libya’s National Oil Corporation Reports Rising Production and Ambitious Expansion Plans

The National Oil Corporation (NOC) announced last week that daily crude oil production has reached 1,254,000 barrels.

Additionally, condensate production over the past 24 hours was 54,141 barrels, while natural gas production stood at 200,483 barrels of oil equivalent.

On June 11, the NOC revealed plans to drill 121 new wells in 2024 to explore additional oil and gas resources.

The corporation also plans to conduct maintenance on approximately 1,335 existing wells to ensure the sustainability of oil production.

During a meeting on June 9 with Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibah, NOC Chairman Farhat Bin Gadara stated that the NOC’s primary goal is to increase production to two million barrels per day by the end of 2025.


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