Japanese and Mozambique Officials Collaborate to Reignite African LNG Development

Japanese and Mozambique Officials Collaborate to Reignite African LNG Development

Japanese Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa and her Mozambique counterpart, Veronica Macamo, have forged an agreement to collaborate on revitalizing the liquefied natural gas (LNG) development in Mozambique.

Japanese entities have invested significantly in the Mozambique LNG project, known as the largest on the African continent. Unfortunately, construction faced interruptions due to escalated public unrest in Mozambique.

During their meeting in Tokyo, Minister Kamikawa emphasized her commitment to deepening cooperation between their nations, aiming to “uphold and fortify a free and open international order founded on the principles of the rule of law.”

Both Japan and Mozambique currently hold nonpermanent seats on the U.N. Security Council, slated until the close of 2024.

In response, Minister Macamo expressed her eagerness to strengthen bilateral ties, particularly focusing on enhancing economic partnerships between the two countries.


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