Inaugural National Diamond Conference Spotlights Economic Potential and Development Impact

Inaugural National Diamond Conference Spotlights Economic Potential and Development Impact

The 1st National Diamond Conference, organized by CATOCA Chair and the Center for Studies and Scientific Research of the Higher Metropolitan Polytechnic Institute of Angola, convened in Luanda under the theme “Economic Potential and the Impact of Its Industry on National Development.”

During the opening address, Paulo Tanganha, the national director for Mineral Resources at the Ministry of Mineral Resources, Petroleum and Gas, underscored the pivotal role of the diamond sub-sector in driving Angola’s economy.

He emphasized that maximizing the sector’s contribution in terms of quantity and value remains a collective challenge for all stakeholders in the production chain.

Tanganha also highlighted the Angolan government’s reforms aimed at enhancing the business environment, including ENDIAMA’s transition from a concessionaire to a focused diamond mining operator aligned with its corporate objectives.

He provided insights into the ongoing establishment of the Angolan Diamond Exchange, managed jointly by ENDIAMA-E.P. and Sociedade de Comercialização de Diamantes (SODIAM), expressing optimism that operations would commence by year-end.

The conference brought together academic and industry leaders to delve into topics such as the Angolan diamond industry’s value chain and the evolving impact of diamonds on the national economy, with a forward-looking perspective for the years ahead.


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