Etu Energias to Double Crude Oil Production by 2026

Etu Energias to Double Crude Oil Production by 2026

Etu Energias, formerly known as Somoil, plans to increase its current crude oil production from 25,000 to 50,000 barrels per day by 2026, announced the company’s Board of Directors President during a press briefing in Soyo.

Speaking at a ceremony where 220 graduates received certificates from the Soyo Polytechnic Institute (IPS), Edson dos Santos emphasized the company’s strategic focus on profitable and sustainable growth through investments in human capital and digital technologies.

As a petroleum engineer, dos Santos explained that the rebranding from Somoil to Etu Energias reflects the company’s commitment to renewable energies.

Historically focused on crude oil exploration, Etu Energias now aims to convert 70% of its operations’ thermal sources to renewable energy, primarily through the installation of solar panels.

Dos Santos highlighted ongoing projects, such as replacing diesel generators with solar panels across the country to enhance operational efficiency and environmental sustainability.

He emphasized Etu Energias’ comprehensive approach, encompassing acquisition, exploration, development, and production across new oil blocks.

In a strategic move to expand into the petroleum derivatives distribution sector, dos Santos announced plans for nationwide fuel supply pumps.

Regarding environmental stewardship, dos Santos underscored Etu Energias’ commitment, citing the replacement of 80 kilometers of outdated crude oil transport pipelines over the past two years to mitigate environmental impacts.

He stressed the company’s proactive measures in safety and environmental protection, especially given its proximity to residential areas.

Furthermore, Etu Energias has achieved a 40% reduction in gas flaring on oil platforms, with ambitions to eliminate flaring entirely within the next five years.

The initiatives outlined by dos Santos underscore Etu Energias’ dual commitment to enhancing production capacity while embracing renewable energy and environmental responsibility as integral components of its operational strategy.


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