Diamond industry in SADC shows signs of strong recovery

The global diamond industry continues to recover from the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic during 2021, as a result of the cooling of economies and the adaptation of national markets. In the first half of the current year, according to the De Beers report, consumer sales of diamond jewelry in the United States of America and China recorded positive growth, not only in the revenues affected by Covid-19 in 2020, but also compared to 2019


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Chitotolo invests in a new choice center

In line with the mining operations in the provinces of Lundas Norte and Sul, we were able to witness the complexity of all the engineering work, developed with alluvial diamond deposits in mind, which became more valued from 2018 onwards, with the implementation of a new commercialization model, which eliminated the so-called “preferred customers”. The first stop was at N’zaji, municipality of Cambulo, base of operations of SMC (Sociedade Mineira do Chitotolo), since 1986, with


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Chitotolo reduces diamond production to 40%

The Sociedade Mineira do Chitotolo (SMC) suspended operations in the areas of Chitotolo, Muyta and Sangulungu, keeping them in Maludi, which represents 40 percent of the activity of the consortium owned by Angola’s Endiama and Lumanhe, as well as Australia’s ITM. The partial interruption of operations was decided to comply with the restrictions imposed by the State of Emergency in force in the country since March 27, giving rise to authorization for home confinement for


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21 of the 42 projects participated by Endiama Mining are paralyzed

Two projects are in pilot production, located in the province of Lunda Norte, the region where the largest number of mines and diamond projects are located, although Lunda Sul is the largest diamond producer in the country. There are a total of 42 projects participated by Endiama Mining. Of the 42 mining projects participated by Endiama Mining, the diamond operator of the Endiama group, 21 are at a standstill, five are in prospection and only 11


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Lucapa finds Angola mine’s sixth-largest white diamond

Australia’s Lucapa Diamond (ASX: LOM) has recovered a 160-carat white Type IIa diamond at its prolific Lulo mine in Angola, the sixth-largest recovered at the operation to date. The diamond was found at the same alluvial mining block as the Lulo Rose, a 170-carat pink-coloured diamond believed to be the largest of its kind found in Angola in 300 years. Lucapa has a 40% stake in the Lulo mine, which hosts the world’s highest dollar-per-carat alluvial diamonds. The rest is held


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Lucapa finds giant pink diamond said to be Angola’s largest in last 300 years

Australia’s Lucapa Diamond (ASX: LOM) has recovered a rare 170-carat pink diamond at its prolific Lulo mine, believed to be the largest of its kind found in Angola in the last 300 years. The massive pink stone named the “Lulo Rose” will be sold later this year through an international tender conducted by Angolan state-owned diamond trading firm Sodiam. Lucapa has a 40% stake in the Lulo mine, which hosts the world’s highest dollar-per-carat alluvial diamonds. The rest is


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Angola among the world’s three largest diamond producers

The chairman of the Board of Directors of the Angolan National Diamond Company (ENDIAMA EP), Ganga Júnior, expressed his expectations on Friday that, next year, Angola will be among the three largest diamond producers in the world. Ganga Júnior, who made these statements to Jornal de Angola, on the sidelines of the inauguration of the orphanage “Lar Casa Mãe”, in Lubango, expanded and equipped with funding from ENDIAMA, said that it is “very close” to


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Russia escapes Kimberley Process sanctions

Last week’s Kimberley Process meeting in Botswana rejected a petition from civil society and representatives from Ukraine, the European Union, Australia, Great Britain, Canada and the United States, which sought to broaden the definition of “blood diamonds”. , a wording that would include diamonds from or with the participation of Russia. In the run-up to the meeting, various civil society groups lobbied, via a public statement, to place sanctions on Russia on the meeting’s agenda. However,


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De Beers Group signs Mineral Investment Contracts with Angola

De Beers Group announced in April this year that it had signed two Mineral Investment Contracts (MICs) with the Government of Angola for licence areas in north-eastern Angola. The signing of the MICs followed the announcement in late 2021 that De Beers had applied to explore in Angola following substantive reforms in the country’s diamond sector. The MICs for the two licence areas are for the award and exercise of mineral rights covering all stages of diamond


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De Beers back to search for diamonds in Angola

De Beers, the world’s largest diamond miner by value, has inked two mineral investment deals with the Angolan government granting the company exploration rights for 35 years in the country’s northeast. Each concession area will be held by a separate new joint venture between De Beers Group and Endiama, Angola’s state-owned diamond company, the parties said. De Beers, a unit of Anglo American (LON: AAL), will hold a “substantial” majority of the new joint ventures, it said, without specifying


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