Azule Energy Partners with Opsealog to Slash Emissions and Boost Offshore Fleet Efficiency

Azule Energy Partners with Opsealog to Slash Emissions and Boost Offshore Fleet Efficiency

Azule Energy, a joint venture between Eni and BP, recently awarded Opsealog a two-year contract to enhance data collection, integration, and analysis, aiming to reduce fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions from its offshore supply vessels (OSVs) in the Angolan market.

According to the company’s press release, Opsealog expects to achieve a 10% reduction in emissions across the fleet.

The contract’s first year will cover 28 vessels, with plans to expand to the full fleet of 33 by 2025. This initiative is part of Azule Energy’s strategy to ensure regulatory compliance and uphold its environmental commitments.

Opsealog will deploy its electronic reporting system, Streamlog, to digitize onboard reporting and enable real-time tracking of vessels operating in three blocks off the Angolan coast.

The collected data will be processed through Opsealog’s Marinsights platform, offering insights to enhance operational efficiency and maximize vessel safety and reliability.

A key focus for Azule Energy is to meet the frequent demands for urgent vessel movements between different blocks.

Additionally, the Streamlog system will leverage data-driven insights to establish a cost allocation system for each block.


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