ANPG to Launch Geological Mapping Project in Etosha/Okavango Basin

ANPG to Launch Geological Mapping Project in Etosha/Okavango Basin

The National Oil, Gas and Biofuel Agency (ANPG) is gearing up to launch the first phase of a significant project in southern Angola.

The initiative, titled “Geological Mapping and Demining Study Project,” will focus on the Etosha/Okavango Basin, spanning the provinces of Moxico, Cuando Cubango, and Cunene.

This project aims to assess the oil and hydrocarbon potential within the basin. Initial areas of interest include Chiedi in Namacunde municipality and Ruacana in Curoca, both located in Cunene province.

Lúmen Sebastião, Director of Exploration at ANPG, recently visited Cunene to oversee demining progress in the Chiedi commune.

Demining is a crucial step to ensure the safety of technical teams during the subsequent exploration and sample collection phases, which are expected to last two years.

The first project phase will involve geological mapping of existing geological structures within the target area.

Once demining is complete, exploration activities will commence, including sample collection for laboratory analysis outside the country.

The results of these analyses will be critical for determining the viability of further exploration efforts in Chiedi and Ruacana.

The project’s impact goes beyond simply evaluating oil potential. Demining activities will facilitate the creation of new passageways for machinery, promoting activities like agriculture and animal movement.

This project aligns with Presidential Decree 282/20, which established the Hydrocarbon Exploration Strategy for 2020-2025.

The project will utilize small equipment to gather rock, soil, bitumen, and gas samples for geological and geochemical analysis.

As Lúmen Sebastião emphasized, “Only by reliably knowing what the country can offer will we be able to efficiently place natural resources at the service of the national economy, generate revenue, create more jobs and increase family income.”

This project signifies a significant step towards unlocking Angola’s natural resource potential and fostering economic development.


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