ANPG Promotes Roadshow For The Awarding Of Oil Blocks

ANPG Promotes Roadshow For The Awarding Of Oil Blocks

Luanda is hosting today, at 8:30, at the Epic Sana Hotel, a Roadshow for the awarding of 12 (twelve) oil blocks

In this type of event, many national and international oil companies will participate. This even is organized by the National Agency for Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels (ANPG), the Roadshow provides details about eight blocks in the Kwanza Onshore Basin (namely Blocks KON 1, KON 3, KON 7, KON 10, KON 13, KON 14, KON 15, and KON 19) and four in the Lower Congo Onshore Basin (namely CON 2, CON 3, CON 7, and CON 8).

For now, it is unknown what the estimated reserves and interested companies are.

In this type of event, where many national and international oil companies, as well as investor entities, gather, the organization tends to present the technical aspects and potential of the aforementioned blocks.

The Lower Congo Onshore Basin covers part of the Zaire province, with an area of approximately 7,000 km2. The first explorations began in 1915, resulting in the drilling of eight wells along the southern edge, with the highlight being the discovery of hydrocarbons in the N’gond well. On the other hand, in the Kwanza Basin located around the mouth of the river with the same name, covering an area of approximately 25,000 km2, a natural gas field and 12 oil fields have been discovered since the start of its activity.

The National Agency for Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels promotes the event as the National Concessionaire, holding mining rights for the exploration, research, development, and production of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons in the Angolan territory.


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