ANPG Highlights Strategic Initiatives and Production Plans for Angola’s Oil and Gas Sector

ANPG Highlights Strategic Initiatives and Production Plans for Angola’s Oil and Gas Sector

The country has a total of 1,630 drilled wells, with 870 currently operational and 760 inoperative, announced Ana Miala, the executive administrator of the National Oil, Gas, and Biofuels Agency (ANPG), on Monday in Luanda.

Speaking at a press event called “Matabicho with Journalists,” hosted by ANPG, Miala explained that of the 760 inactive wells, some will be permanently abandoned due to reserve depletion, while others could be reopened when opportunities arise.

To enhance investment conditions in the oil sector, Miala revealed that ANPG plans to implement the “Incremental Production” project, which will enable operators within existing concessions to invest further and boost production. This project aims to provide new investment opportunities and share production benefits.

Strategic Plan for 2023-2027

ANPG’s Chairman, Paulino Jerónimo, outlined the agency’s main strategies for the 2023-2027 period, focusing on several key initiatives:

  • Gas Projects: Ensure continuous supply to Angola LNG (ALNG) and develop the natural gas potential in the Kwanza Basin. This includes creating a gas development and monetization hub in the central and southern regions of the country.
  • Competitiveness: Enhance the sector’s competitiveness by implementing measures that increase attractiveness in the face of global competition. This includes proposing a regulatory agenda to oversee actions across the entire value chain of the upstream oil sector and the upstream/midstream sectors of gas and biofuels.
  • Incremental Production: Maximize the implementation of the incremental production project and promote infrastructure to support production flow from various blocks.
  • Local Production: Support local goods and services production for the oil industry and monitor the capacity of local companies.
  • Financing Fund: Establish a financing fund for local content in the sector and promote the development of carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This includes designing ESG studies for renewable energy projects.
  • Resource Sharing: Develop plans for sharing resources and standardizing facilities, as well as tools to monitor the effectiveness of facility integrity management programs (inspection and maintenance).
  • Exploration Strategies: Complete the implementation of the 2020-2025 Exploration Strategies and the allocation of oil concessions from 2019-2025 to maintain an average daily production of 1,073,557 barrels of oil (BOPD).
  • Biofuels and Energy Integration: Implement the biofuels action strategy and promote the integration of new energies into the national energy matrix while monitoring decarbonization initiatives.

Achievements in the First 100 Days

Paulino Jerónimo highlighted the main achievements of ANPG’s Board of Directors during their first 100 days in office:

  • Incremental Production Project: Approval and launch of the Incremental Production project.
  • Negotiations and Awards: Conclusion of negotiations for Blocks CON 2, CON 8, and KON 19, and the awarding of Blocks 24, 49, 50, and the New Gas Consortium.
  • Kaminho Project: Presentation of the Kaminho project in Block 20/11 and an agreement with ExxonMobil to boost research in Block 15, aiming to drill more exploration wells.
  • Agreements with Major Operators: Signing agreements with TotalEnergies for drilling the Dália-Deep well in Block 17 and successful drilling of the Likembe-1 research well in Block 15.
  • FPSO Agogo: Lifting and installation of the first modules of the FPSO Agogo, which is expected to be delivered in December 2025.

These strategic initiatives and achievements underscore ANPG’s commitment to advancing Angola’s oil and gas sector, promoting economic growth, and ensuring sustainable development.


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