Angola’s Diamond Production Surpasses 4.18 Million Carats, Focus on Mining Sector Development

Angola’s Diamond Production Surpasses 4.18 Million Carats, Focus on Mining Sector Development

Angola’s diamond production reached 4.18 million carats between January and May this year, as reported by the Ministry of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas via Jornal de Angola.

During the 14th thematic session “Communicate for Angola,” which centered on the Program for Development and Modernization of Geological-Mining Activities (2023/2027), Secretary of State for Mineral Resources, Jânio Correa Victor, emphasized the need to attract national and foreign investment.

This initiative aims to boost diamond production and foster diverse value chains, aligning with Angola’s policy of economic diversification.

Victor highlighted efforts under the National Development Plan (PDN 2023-2027) to attract major multinational investments aimed at enhancing Angola’s mining sector.

The goal is to fully exploit Angola’s mineral resources and develop robust export-oriented value chains.

The Ministry plans to diversify the mining sector by implementing multiple mineral value chains, supported by training programs to empower local talent.

Victor emphasized the Ministry’s commitment to expanding Angola’s geological knowledge to facilitate foreign investment.

Regarding diamond production, Victor outlined ongoing prospecting and exploration projects scheduled until 2025, including Luachimba, Xamacanda, and Lunhinga.

By 2027, the Ministry aims to accelerate production from newly identified diamond projects such as Luaxe, Camafuca Camazambo, Tchitengo, and others.

Victor also highlighted the upcoming launch of the Angolan Diamond Exchange in 2025 to enhance the value of Angolan diamonds globally, underscoring Angola’s prominent position in diamond production worldwide.

In addition to diamonds, the Ministry is supporting gold production and its value chain, including the construction of the Gold Refinery in Luanda by year-end and projects in Cabinda and Huíla provinces.

As part of its social responsibility, mining companies in Angola completed 53 projects this year, with ongoing initiatives totaling $130.49 million, reinforcing their commitment to local development.


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