Angola LNG Project Expands to Double Natural Gas Production

Angola LNG Project Expands to Double Natural Gas Production

The Angola LNG natural gas recovery and processing plant, situated in Soyo, Zaire province, is set to ramp up its production from 700 to one billion cubic feet (SCF) in the first quarter of next year, announced Amilton Cunha, the company’s Executive Director.

Cunha said that this production increase stems from a new investment initiative already underway by the company to boost both associated and non-associated gas volumes.

He emphasized that the plant will receive additional gas from offshore oil platforms operated by various consortiums.

Angola LNG currently produces high-quality metric volumes, facilitating the shipment of over 50 product-loaded vessels per month to global markets.

“We supply liquefied gas, a transitional energy source with a significant role in providing clean gas globally,” Cunha asserted.

The company manages marketing operations through its entity in London, England, overseeing the distribution of finished products domestically, where approximately 125 million cubic feet per day is transferred to Sonagás. Sonagás is responsible for distributing gas within Angola’s domestic market.

Cunha underscored the plant’s commitment to social responsibility, particularly in Zaire province, where it collaborates with local authorities to enhance basic social services and improve living conditions for the local population.

“The commitment of the Executive, supported by the Ministry of Mineral Resources, Oil, and Gas, along with stakeholders such as Sonangol, Total Energy, Chevron, Azul Energy, and others, has been pivotal in the plant’s development,” Cunha stated.

The Angola LNG project is a cornerstone of energy development in Africa and represents Angola’s first liquefied natural gas (LNG) initiative.

Historical data shows its initial gas shipment occurred on June 15, 2013, with operations resuming in May 2016 following an interim period.


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