Angola Accelerates Mineral Sector Diversification to Boost Economic Growth

Angola Accelerates Mineral Sector Diversification to Boost Economic Growth

Jânio Corrêa Victor, the Secretary of State for Mineral Resources, emphasized last week in Luanda that Angola is committed to diversifying its mineral production to increase the sector’s contribution to more than 2% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Speaking at the Aníbal de Melo Press Center during thematic sessions organized by the Ministry of Telecommunications, Information Technology, and Social Communication, Victor outlined the “Objectives and Main Projects included in the National Development Plan 2023-2027” to the press.

Victor presented the New Governance Model for the Mining Sector, aligned with the government’s strategy to transform Angola into a more diversified mining hub.

This transformation includes developing multiple value chains and enhancing the involvement of the private sector through national staff training initiatives.

He highlighted nine key points during his presentation, focusing on increasing Angola’s geological knowledge to update resource inventories and maps.

Additionally, he emphasized support for producers to boost diamond and gold production while extending the value chain.

Victor also addressed plans to enhance the country’s diamond cutting capacity, promote human capital, support local content and social responsibility, and strengthen environmental sustainability within the mining sector.

These objectives are pivotal in Angola’s four-year plan to elevate its mineral sector and contribute more significantly to the national economy.


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