Sonangol Reaffirms Ownership and Transparency of Barra do Dande Ocean Terminal

Sonangol Reaffirms Ownership and Transparency of Barra do Dande Ocean Terminal

Sonangol has reaffirmed its exclusive ownership of the Barra do Dande Ocean Terminal (TOBD) and emphasized the transparency of its management, aiming to address recent claims regarding alleged overpricing in the terminal’s construction and concerns about its ownership being registered in favor of a private entity, Enagol.

In a statement released Thursday, Sonangol clarified that the TOBD is a strategic asset under its sole ownership. “TOBD is a strategic asset owned exclusively by Sonangol, and has not been transferred, assigned, registered, or granted to any private entity, including Enagol,” the company stated. It further emphasized that the terminal was developed to enhance the storage and distribution capacity of refined products in the country, with full control remaining under Sonangol.

The company assured that the construction of the terminal underwent rigorous auditing and inspection processes to ensure adherence to high standards of transparency and corporate governance.

Sonangol dismissed the allegations of overpricing as “unfounded and defamatory,” asserting that such claims harm the reputation of the company and the Angolan oil sector, undermining the trust of both national and international partners and investors.

The allegations were made by Antonio Vieira during a February interview on Radio Essencial. In response, Sonangol has taken legal action, filing a criminal complaint for slander, defamation, and reputational damage.

Sonangol concluded by reiterating its commitment to transparency, good governance, and proper asset management, ensuring that all company operations and projects follow international best practices and serve the country’s interests.

The TOBD, located in the Bengo province, was inaugurated by the President of Angola in February. It boasts a storage capacity of 580,000 cubic meters for fuel and 102,000 cubic meters for cooking gas.


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