Russia Seeks Deeper Involvement in Nigeria’s Hydrocarbon Market

Russia Seeks Deeper Involvement in Nigeria’s Hydrocarbon Market

Russia has expressed interest in expanding its role in Nigeria’s hydrocarbon industry, offering its expertise in offshore seismic surveys and hydrocarbon exploration. This interest coincides with Nigeria’s plans to establish mobile LNG filling stations.

Weyinmi Eribo, Director General of Nigeria’s Women Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines, and Agriculture, emphasized that a partnership with Russia could greatly benefit Nigeria due to Russia’s advanced technology and extensive experience in the energy sector.

She shared her insights during an interview with Russian newspaper Sputnik at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok.

“Russia is a world power in oil production, and Nigeria is a leading player in Africa. It makes sense for both to collaborate,” Eribo noted, highlighting Russia’s technological capabilities, financial resources, and expertise.

Eribo further explained that the potential partnership could also support female entrepreneurs in Africa, promoting collaboration between women-owned businesses in both countries.

She suggested that women from Nigeria could visit Russia to learn from its business landscape, fostering a stronger value chain between the two nations.

The Eastern Economic Forum, which started Tuesday, will run until Friday.


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