President Tinubu Launches Major Gas Projects to Boost Nigeria’s Energy Sector

President Tinubu Launches Major Gas Projects to Boost Nigeria’s Energy Sector

President Bola Tinubu and the Nigerian government have inaugurated three significant gas projects aimed at strengthening the country’s energy sector.

The projects include the expanded AHL Gas Processing Plant, the ANOH Gas Processing Plant, and the 23.3-km ANOH to Obiafu-Obrikom-Oben (OB3) Custody Transfer Metering Station Gas Pipeline, all located in southeastern Nigeria. The inauguration ceremony was chaired virtually by President Tinubu from Abuja.

The AHL Gas Plant is a collaborative venture involving the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPCL), Sterling Oil Exploration and Energy Production Company Limited, and Seplat Energy Plc.

The ANOH Gas Processing Plant is an integrated facility designed to process non-associated gas with a capacity of 300 million standard cubic feet (MMscf) per day.

President Tinubu emphasized that these projects will significantly boost the supply of gas to Nigeria’s power sector, gas-based industries, and other critical areas of the economy.

He highlighted the importance of these projects in supporting the government’s Decade of Gas Initiative, which aims to fully utilize Nigeria’s vast gas resources, reduce gas flaring, and drive industrialization.

The projects are expected to inject approximately 500 MMscf of gas into the domestic market, representing a 25% increase in gas supply.

This increase is crucial for powering various sectors, including electricity generation and gas-dependent industries, thereby promoting industrial growth and creating employment opportunities.

NNPCL’s Group Chief Executive Officer, Mele Kyari, emphasized that the gas revolution will inject substantial resources into the domestic market, supplying gas for power generation, industry, and chemicals.

He highlighted that this initiative will create jobs, generate tax revenue, and bring other typical benefits of a gas-producing nation.


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